
Live,Love,Learn,Leave a Legacy

Archive for Determination

Make It Happen!

“Don’t wait for the perfect moment, take the moment and make it perfect” ~

Now that you have set a financial goal, let’s take some time to look at the “how” of making more money.

Understand firstly that money goes in the direction of value. The reason why David Tepper earned $3.5 Billion last year alone and you made what you made is proportional to the value you both added to the marketplace.

make it happen Read the rest of this entry »

Don’t Give Up On Your Dreams


Hi There People,
How has been your day today?I’m excited to share this article with you.It really inspired me and I’m sure it will do same for you.Please don’t give up on your dreams.Like Robert H. Schuller said Quitters never and winners never quit.

Ladies and gentlemen,fasten your seat belts as you read this very inspirational article from someone I respect so much,a very remarkable personality,Tyler Perry.Enjoy!!!

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Press On!


After I’ve made several trials and I’ve failed,
It all makes my resolve so strong that I won’t be derailed,
My resolve to get to the end so cherished and desired,
It’s so strong,I’m never relenting or getting tired,
Yeah!I won’t give up no matter the roadblocks encountered,
I’ll get to my destination cos I’m gonna remain unfettered,
Even though on every side it seems like I’m bruised and battered,
I’m gonna Press on . . . .

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Let in The Light,let it shine so bright,
Let the rays of hope come into sight,
For light over darkness you don’t need to fight.
When light comes in darkness instantly takes flight,

Let in The Light,Lift up the blinds,absorb The Light,
Let it flood your soul,make your entirety like daylight,
You don’t have to grope or experience one more dark night,
Relax,everything is gonna come out just to your delight.

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The Future . . .


The Future holds so much,
I can feel it,I can almost touch,
It’s so real more than a hunch,
Ain’t psyching you up so don’t you blush,
Before you begin to term it as hogwash,
Hush!Open up your mind,don’t be in a rush.

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Where Will You Be At 65(III)?

e6aeb-thinkingHi Friends,
How was your day?Thanks for staying tuned.If you are just tuning in,you might need to go back and read Part I and II.However,let’s play catch up. So far,In Part I,I tried to set a direction by discouraging from reading any further,any one who based on their habits/philosophies,that will read this and not act. Then I went ahead to share on the alarming statistics of a survey carried out in a developed nation(America as our case study)on 100 people as they progressed from age 25 to 65.I also related this to two other developing nations,Ghana and Nigeria to be precise.In Part 2,I shared with you why a person might die at 65 and might not have really lived.Stating based on findings from My Coach/Mentor,Deolu Akinyemi,that people live in mediocrity because they are not financially free.Many people go to the grave without delivering their uniqueness. Read the rest of this entry »

Face Your Fears . . .


FEAR-False Evidence Appearing Real,I recently came across some other interesting acronyms for Fear:Forget Everything And Run or Face Everything And Recover.

Interesting isn’t it?People fail in life because of the fear of failure.Forgetting that,as Winston Churchill put it,”Success is not final, failure is not fatal: it is the courage to continue that counts.”To FAIL is a First Attempt In Learning,Its always better to Fail Early And Responsibly,(another acronym for fear),get back up,learn from it and move on.

There is no good reason to fear failure because every successful man will tell you that failure is success turned inside out.To truly appreciate success you must have in a way experienced failure.The truth is, you are not a failure until you stop or quit trying.There is failure as an event and failure as a person.Failing a test,an exam,an interview does not make you a failure.You can only become a failure in this regard when you give up or give in and you never give that test,exam or any other interview another attempt.

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Abundance Or Lack?

Abundance or lack is not about having or not having,Its purely a function of the mind.Poverty is not a consequence of the absence of money,rather,it is poverty that brings about the absence of money.
In the same vein,prosperity is not the consequence of a fat bank account,but prosperity consequently produces a fat bank account.Prosperity or poverty is directly proportional to your mentality towards it.Hence,abundance is a mentality and Lack is a mentality.Have you not heard about Abundance Mentality or Lack Mentality?”Inside each of us is a rich person and a poor person. Be careful which one you listen to.” ~ Robert Kiyosaki


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Pain To Gain


 When things are going slow,
And the tides of hope are so low,
It can never keep you below,

You just have to stay aglow,
It might take time to show,
But this do I know,

From your pain,gain will flow,
And it will be a seed to sow,
That will help other men to grow.

YMX Inspirationalz(09/26/05)
COREEE(Creativitiy Originality Responsibility Encouragement Empowerment Excellence)Productionz

Uncommon . . .


Do you know you are so Uncommon?
World population currently put at 7 Billion,
But there is no single one with your dominion,
You can choose to behave like a chameleon,
But the truth is,you are meant to be a phenomenon,
You are an art of the greatest form of sophistication.

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