
Live,Love,Learn,Leave a Legacy

Archive for Perception

Heartitude is Everything . . .

Story ,Story, . . . . .Story
Once upon a time, . . . . .time time.Lol! I was so tempted to do that and I’m sorry I yielded.
Yeah!let me leave the old school style now and tell you this very interesting story I heard sometime ago.It goes a long way to buttress my point about Heartitude being everything.Its about two(2) travelers(Bayo and Bade). Kindly fasten your seat belts and enjoy.I hope I nail this storytelling thing.I’m trying to hone my story telling skills.*winks*.


There were two(2) travelers exploring the world,going from town to town.Let’s call them Bayo and Bade.They were journeying separately though,they don’t know each other but as fate would have it, they both got to a town known as valley town and each individual decided to spend sometime in Valley town.

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What Is LIFE?


Basically, what is life?
Is it about giving?
Is it about loving?
Is it about tests?
Is it about testimonies?
Is it about trials?
Is it about triumphs?
Is it about failure?
Is about  success?
Is it about achievement?
Is it about fulfilment?
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Abundance Or Lack?

Abundance or lack is not about having or not having,Its purely a function of the mind.Poverty is not a consequence of the absence of money,rather,it is poverty that brings about the absence of money.
In the same vein,prosperity is not the consequence of a fat bank account,but prosperity consequently produces a fat bank account.Prosperity or poverty is directly proportional to your mentality towards it.Hence,abundance is a mentality and Lack is a mentality.Have you not heard about Abundance Mentality or Lack Mentality?”Inside each of us is a rich person and a poor person. Be careful which one you listen to.” ~ Robert Kiyosaki


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If Only I . . . . . . . . .?


You know at times in our minds,
We have these fantasies,
You know,the “If only thingy”,
If only I had enough money?
If only I had an international degree?
If I only knew someone in government?
If only I graduated with a 1st class?
If only I could get a job with a multinational ?
If only I could get a job with an Oil/Telecoms company?
If only I could travel out,go abroad?
If only I was born into a rich and influential family?
If only I was taller,darker,lighter,smarter,finer…,
If only I. . . . .,If only I . . . .,If only I. . . . . . . . ? Read the rest of this entry »

Do You Know These Songs?

Do You Know These Songs?
“Nobody knows the troubles I’ve seen,
Nobody knows my sorrows”by Louis Armstrong,
I’m sure quite a few will know it,
But I think that at some point in time,
We all Would have or Wanted to identify with it,
One way or the other. Read the rest of this entry »